8 Quotes & Sayings By Kari L Greenaway

Kari L. Greenaway is an inspirational author, speaker, and entrepreneur who has overcome challenges to become the entrepreneur she was always meant to be. After overcoming a severe spinal cord injury in 2008, she founded Life is Living Inc., a motivational Youtube channel that shares her stories and struggles, as well as her successes. She has also published two books, "The Bump" and "We are the Change" Read more

Kari is currently writing her third book, an autobiography entitled "Life will Teach Us What to Do."

He stretches forth in our soul, Teaches our arms how to reach. Our feet He has shod, With His gospel of peace. Kari L. Greenaway
For joy alone, Carries a fountain of youth. Laughter's music, Will wrinkle smooth.- Poem Fountain of Youth Kari L. Greenaway
His changes are true, And oh for a reason. His work is eternal, And arrives in due season. Kari L. Greenaway
Great is our calling, We dare not be idle. The saddle is in place, And Jesus is bridle. Kari L. Greenaway
For many things were shown, Recorded and written down. But what is God to do, When His Word you do renounce? Kari L. Greenaway
I hear, "Yes, Let us more education invest! " Whilst destitute, Outside their gates doth rest, Women, children, and men, Poor and a hungered! Odd that colleges fill, Yet mercy is numbered. Kari L. Greenaway
Why must we hide, Behind walls built high? N' blame our lives, On him, her, I? Kari L. Greenaway